

微軟教育家中心 Microsoft Educator Center

Microsoft 線上課程圖示

提供線上課程,協助正在進行遠距學習、混成學習的教育工作者獲得專業發展 (PD) 和充足的資源,讓教育具備充足的資訊教育能力,並且讓學生學習不間斷,進而增加學習效率。




Microsoft 線上課程圖示

STEP 1. 於首頁點擊 Get Started

Microsoft 線上課程圖示

STEP 2. 點擊申請免費的個人帳號

Microsoft 線上課程圖示

STEP 3. 申請給教師/學生使用的免費帳號

Microsoft 線上課程圖示

STEP 4. 點擊 Sign in 登入剛剛申請的帳號



Microsoft 線上課程圖示

STEP 1. 點擊 Training > Courses

Microsoft 線上課程圖示

STEP 2. 選擇想要進行的課程

Microsoft 線上課程圖示

STEP 3. 開始課程,並考取證書

Microsoft 線上課程圖示

STEP 4. 查看屬於自己的證書!(點擊:頭像>我的檔案)

微軟學習 Microsoft Learn








認證成為 Microsoft 認證人士

透過業界認可的 Microsoft 認證,快速開始職涯並展現成就。



LEARN TV觀看直播與錄製的事件

觀看每天建置與使用 Microsoft 產品的專家,提供 Microsoft 產品的串流技術內容。


Microsoft Imagine Academy


Research finds proficiency in Microsoft Office to be required skill for top jobs. Number 1 - Oral and written communication skills Number 2 - Problem solving Number 3 - Integrity Number 4 - Microsoft Office Number 5 - Detail oriented

(Microsoft Office 技能是頂尖工作的必備技能)

The Microsoft Imagine Academy program 為教育機構提供進行資訊課程教學和學習工具的完整課程解決方案,幫助教師獲得技術技能,並幫助學生通過就業能力和業界相關認證。


Microsoft Certifications 微軟認證架構

IT Professionals & Developers "Master 大師等級 - MCSM 解決方案大師" Get Recognized Information Workers "MOS Master" IT Professionals & Developers "Expert 專家 - MCSE 解決方案專家"、"Expert 專家 - MCSD 解決方案開發專家" Get Ahead Information Workers "MOS Expert" IT Professionals & Developers "Associate 技術師 - MCSA 解決方案技術師"、"Associate 技術師 - MTA 技術師" Get Hired Information Workers "MOS Specialist"



認證藍圖-電腦科學、生產力、IT 基礎架構圖示內容

Microsoft Imagine Academy 電腦科學路徑: Learn to Code Offerings: TouchDevelop, Minecraft Creative Coding through Games & Apps (CCGA) Intro to Programming (Python) CSSD Validation - MTA Software Development Fundamentals Validation - MTA HTMLS App Development Fundamentals Validation - MCP Programming and HTMLS JavaScript and CSS3 Validation - MCP Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps Using JavaScript and HTML5 Validation - MCP Advanced windows Store A Development Using HTML5 and JavaScript Validation - MCSD Windows Store Apps Exploration - CS AP Java Exam Prep Lessons 生產力路徑: Digital Literacy MOS One Note: One Note 2010, 2013 MOS Word: Word 2010, 2013, 2016 MOS PowerPoint: PowerPoint 2010, 2013, 2016 MOS Excel: Excel 2010, 2013, 2016 MOS Word Expert X2: Word 2010, 2013 MOS Excel Expert X2: Excel 2010, 2013 MOS Access: Access 2010, 2013, 2016 MOS Master IT 基礎架構路徑: MTA Security Fundamentals MTA Networking Fundamentals MTA Cloud Fundamentals Windows 10 - MCP Configuring Windows 10 Windows 10 - MCP Supporting Windows 10 Windows 10 - MCP Configuring Windows Devices Windows 10 - MCSA Windows 10 Windows Server - MCP Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 Windows Server - MCP Administering Windows Servers 2012 Windows Server - MCP Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Windows Server - MCSA Windows Servers 2012 Azure - MCP Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions Azure - MCP Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions Azure - MCP Architecting Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions

Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) Certification

MCE demonstrates that educators have achieved technology literacy in six content areas, mapped to the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers, Technology Literacy. Education policy Organization and administration ICT/technology book Pedagogy Curriculum and assessment Professional development Curriculum and Certifications Pathways Visit http://aka.ms/imagineacademy

分類:電腦科學、生產力、IT 基礎架構



Microsoft Certification Journey

Microsoft certification makes technology professionals more likely to get hired, demonstrate clear business impact, and advance their careers. Students and Teachers - Digital Literacy Certificate: Computer Basics The Internet Cloud Services, and the World Wide Web Productivity Programs Computer Security and Privacy Digital Lifestyles Students and Teachers - Microsoft Office Specialist: Word Excel PowerPoint Access Students and Teachers - Microsoft Technical Associate: Windows OS Fundamentals Software Development Fundamentals Database Fundamentals Windows Server Administration Fundamentals Networking Fundamentals Security Fundamentals Mobility and Devices Fundamentals Cloud Fundamentals Students and Teachers - Microsoft Certified Profesional: Server Desktop Applications Database Developer Teachers - Microsoft Certified Educator Teaching with Technology

Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) 認證

Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) 認證證明具備嫻熟的 Microsoft Office 技能,對於展示多種工作與生活中其他活動的生產力都極具價值。取得 MOS 認證可證明有使用 Office 應用程式因應工作所需的能力,並具有重要的區隔性,有助於學生繼續高等教育或進入職場。取得 MTA 認證對於取得高等科技認證有所助益,但並非絕對必要。

瞭解更多 MOS 認證

Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) 認證

Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) 認證證明具備對軟體開發與資訊科技基本科技概念的理解。取得 MTA 認證除了證明具備科技知識的基礎外,還證明具備執行 IT 入門工作的能力與責任。成為 Microsoft Technology Associate 可提供堅實的基礎,有助於在電腦科學或 IT 基礎結構方面進一步學習。

瞭解更多 MTA 認證

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) 認證

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) 認證可透過經業界實證、公認的嚴謹測驗,來驗證 IT 專業人員及開發人員的技術專業技能。MCP 測驗內容涵蓋各式各樣 Microsoft 產品、技術和解決方案。

瞭解更多 MCP 認證

Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) 認證

Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) 認證可驗證教育人員是否具備所需的全球教育人員技術知識能力,可為學生提供內容豐富且量身打造的教學體驗。MCE 透過單一測驗展現教育人員已具備下列六項內容領域的技術知識能力:教育方針/課程與評量/教學法/ICT 與技術工具/組織與管理/專業培訓 (UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers, Technology Literacy)。

Microsoft 提供完備的教師專業發展線上學習課程-資訊科技融入教學 (Teaching with Technology),以協助教育人員準備 MCE 認證。

瞭解更多 MCE 認證

Microsoft Imagine Academy 專業發展線上課程

Microsoft Imagine Academy 圖示

立即前往 Microsoft Imagine Academy 線上課程